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July 30, 2024

In this issue:



   Petition Circulators Getting Signatures   

A Guide to Regulating Petition Circulators: Best Practices and Key Considerations

Courtney Gabbara Agrusa and
Badri Yono (Summer Associate)

Petition circulators play a crucial role in democratic processes, but managing their activities can be challenging for public entities. Balancing petitioners' rights with the need to maintain public order and access to facilities requires a clear understanding of legal principles and practical considerations. This guide provides an overview of best practices and key considerations for effectively regulating petition circulators in various public settings.

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   Bullets on Target   

Extreme Risk Protection Orders: Q&A on Michigan's Red Flag Gun Laws

Courtney Gabbara Agrusa

Michigan’s recently enacted Red Flag gun laws became effective in February 2024. One of the measures authorizes civil courts to issue temporary Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs), which legally prevent persons at risk of harming themselves or others from possessing or purchasing firearms.

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   HOA Neighborhood Solar Panels   

Michigan’s “Homeowner’s Energy Policy Act”: Transforming HOA Policies

Scott H. Hogan and
Lisa Gallagher (Summer Associate)

Michigan’s Senate passed House Bill No. 5028 (“HB 5028”) on June 20, 2024, and it has significant implications for homeowners’ associations (“HOAs”) and its members. Traditionally overseeing community rules and aesthetics, HOAs collect fees for services like landscaping and rule enforcement. The new Homeowner’s Energy Policy Act mandates HOAs to permit certain energy-efficient installations on members’ properties, despite potential aesthetic impacts.

Here’s what HOA members need to know.

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Boosting Board Engagement - Tips for Effective Meetings

Township Focus

This article, authored by attorney Laura Genovich, was featured as the cover story for the July 2024 edition of the Michigan Township Association's Township Focus publication.

Fundamentally, the public elects local leaders to “come together to solve problems.” Constituents rely on their township officials to develop infrastructure, use tax dollars prudently and keep the public safe, among other important responsibilities.

The public does not want local officials to be the problem that needs solving. A combative or divided township board can distract from the critical work of the township. Similarly, a board on which only one or two members actively participate in discussion, while others remain silent except to vote, can communicate a lack of commitment or engagement. Both types of board conduct can erode public trust.

This article offers tips for increasing board engagement and cohesiveness and promoting effective and efficient township board meetings. These suggestions are helpful not only for township board meetings, but also meetings for other township boards, commissions and committees, including the planning commission, zoning board of appeals and more...

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Back to School: Balancing Careers, Schedules and Divorce

August 7, 2024

Well, it was great while it lasted. The summer is already drawing towards its epic conclusion and if you are a parent, you know what that means...getting your kids ready to go back to school.

The end of summer can be a stressful time for parents, trying to balance their own careers with their children's school schedules and after-school activities. Add a separation or divorce from your spouse into the mix and it can be downright nightmarish.

Join us for our next Legal Strategies for Women Leaders session on Back to School: Balancing Careers, Schedules and Divorce:

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Grand Rapids






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