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Ag Law News

April 11, 2024

In this issue:



   Agri Truck   

State of Michigan Issues New Guidance on “Rolling Stock” Exemption for Interstate Motor Carriers

Thomas K. Dillon and Michael C. Zahrt

The Michigan Department of Treasury (“Treasury”) recently issued an important Administrative Bulletin, with important information for interstate motor carriers that seek exemptions from Michigan state sales taxes on their rental or purchase of “rolling stock”, which includes certain trucks, trailers and parts or personal property used with such trucks or trailers. This summary outlines the previous exemptions for state taxes on such rolling stock and discusses the changes that may positively impact clients whose purchases or rental of rolling stock qualify for the expanded exemptions...

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   Cows and Biogas   

Update: Biogas Property: Upgrading Equipment Included Again

Nicholas J. Stock and Michael C. Zahrt

Biogas, which can be produced from sources like landfills, wastewater treatment facilities, livestock farms and food waste, has existing and potential commercial uses that can replace more carbon intensive energy sources while enhancing energy security and reliability. Section 48 provides an investment tax credit (ITC) for qualified biogas property...

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AI Legal Issues That Can Impact Your Business

Incorporating AI can impact a business's content production, data privacy management and customer support but could there be legal pitfalls you haven’t considered?

The following video features moderator Rob Hamor discussing with fellow business attorneys, Taylor Gast and Lindsey Mead, the legal issues related to AI that could impact businesses and other organizations including:

  • Important background information regarding AI from a legal perspective.
  • How organizations are utilizing AI right now: value, benefits and issues they are running into.
  • Specific laws, regulations, or guidelines that organizations need to be thinking about in order to stay compliant to the use of AI.
  • Key takeaways for businesses wanting to stay on top of AI and integrate it into their practices.


   Copyright Infringement Notice   

Under the Bridge – The Rise of Copyright Trolls in the Intellectual Property Space

Lindsey M. Mead and Mikhail Murshak

Through tactical litigation practices, copyright trolls rely on copyright law to allege infringement and threaten major statutory damages upon unsuspecting defendants. The term “copyright troll” is an unflattering nickname for someone who manipulates the intellectual property (“IP”) laws to force a “toll” by way of a settlement payout on market participants.

Copyright trolls use technology to identify potential unintentional infringement activity and send template demand letters for payment...

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Upcoming Ag Events

Michigan Livestock Expo: July 10-13, 2024 and July 16, 2024 (Sale-A-Bration)

The Michigan Livestock Expo is a multi-species livestock event including beef, sheep, swine and goats, designed to enhance the livestock industry, educate youth and showcase Michigan's agriculture industry.

The 170th Ingham County Fair: July 29 - August 3, 2024

The Ingham County Junior Livestock Association was formed in 2022. The purpose of the JLA is to plan, arrange financing and conduct the annual Ingham County Fair Youth Livestock shows and sales. Youth who are enrolled in a club including but not limited to 4-H, FFA, Scouts, sports teams, school clubs or religious organizations where the headquarters for the club are located within Ingham County are eligible to show and sell livestock at the Ingham County Fair

Large Animal Auction: August 1, 2024, Small Animal Auction: August 3, 2024.

Michigan AgroExpo: August 13-14, 2024

Most farmers are always looking for ways to improve efficiency, yield and their bottom line. 

The 2024 AgroExpo promises to be full of quality information and demonstrations to benefit the grower. The demonstration theme for 2024 will be Choppers and Strip-Tilling. In addition to the demonstrations, the show will feature Keynote speakers as well as specialized presentations of interest to the agricultural community. The Expo also offers farm safety demonstrations.

The 2024 show will represent innovation from equipment dealers and manufacturers, crop nutrition, seed, chemical and various areas of agribusiness aimed at providing solutions for your operation.  

Be sure to visit the event site as featured speakers, demonstration times, exhibitors, and show schedule will be updated regularly. 







Grand Rapids






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