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Foster Swift Business & Tax Law

April 22, 2020

In this issue:



   Tax Documents U.S. Mail   

Tax Court Decision Highlights Risks of Sending Tax Documents Via Regular U.S. Mail

Mark J. DeLuca

For businesses and individuals, preparing tax-related documents required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or United States Tax Court can be a complex process, often requiring the assistance of outside advisors such as attorneys and accountants. As a recent case in the Tax Court demonstrates, the last, seemingly simple step in the process—filing a tax document —should not be taken lightly...




Evaluating and Pursuing CARES Act Business Relief Opportunities Webinar

Taylor A. Gast, Cliff L. Hammond and Mindi M. Johnson

For those that were unable to attend, Foster Swift attorneys hosted a free webinar on April 14 to provide a practical discussion of business, economic relief, employment, employee benefits, and tax issues affecting clients. Business as we know it has been significantly affected by COVID-19. While there is no shortage of articles discussing available relief under the recently-effective CARES Act, it can be difficult to evaluate options and determine next steps for pursuing economic assistance.

The webinar focused on the key information that businesses and other organizations need to know to plan for the future. To view a recording of the webinar, see link below...




Coronavirus Resources to Aid Michigan's Businesses

During these difficult times, the Foster Swift law firm has been consistently updating a resource page relevant to the current pandemic and its impact on Michigan's small businesses, municipalities and other entities. This resource page is dedicated to providing attorney-written articles and recorded podcasts/webinars, along with other online resources relevant to Coronavirus/COVID-19 and its impact on numerous aspects of professional life. Among the topics included on the page:

Please note that the articles on the resource page are accurate at the time of their publishing. Due to constantly evolving laws and regulations, please consult your attorney and/or advisor to make sure you have the most current information available...




Online Video Conferencing Allows for Virtual Mediation Amid Crisis

The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) social distancing protocols have and will continue to change the way professionals conduct business for some time into the future. Working remotely is rapidly becoming the new norm in most industries.

Social distancing is particularly challenging for those involved in litigation settlement discussions that must take place in the course of facilitative mediation. Although there is no substitute for "being in the same room", video-enabled conferencing platforms are bringing a new dimension to the ability to communicate online...






Grand Rapids






St Joseph


Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC E-Newsletters are intended for general information for our clients and friends. This newsletter highlights specific areas of law and is not legal advice. The reader should consult an attorney to determine how this information applies to any specific situation.

IRS Circular 230 Notice: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any U.S. tax advice contained in this communication is not intended to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed in this communication.

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